Final Version

Without shading and missing final editing touches.

Original Photo (2015)

Pokemon Event Graphic Poster (Illustrator 2023)

This was a graphic poster that was requested of me, given the base picture to work from, I created the illustrated poster at the top. I started this particular project in the late summer of 2021. After finishing each night at my internship, I would work on the poster and finish what would be the middle poster before starting my senior year of College.

Due to prior commitments, I had to put the project down for the rest of my senior year in college. During that time, a file was corrupted, and had to go back to an earlier version of the project. I would return to the project in the late summer of 2022 after I finished some final summer classes for my Game Design Major.

I would clean up any extra details that needed to be addressed, being the columns in the middle poster, including the wall on the far right side. Finally, I needed to address the Illustrator file publishing the whole picture when I had an established border in the project, being prevalent with the boy in the white shirt on the far right side where the photo needed to be cut off. I quickly solved this issue in Photoshop instead, quickly cropping out the unnecessary boundaries of the poster. The final detail added and knew would take time was the shading as many parts of their shirts and pants had wrinkles, giving more detail to the shadows created. After some time, sometimes going back and reading entire parts of the character shading, I completed the project in early March 2023.

This project was requested by me because of the passing of my brothers’ friend Henry, the boy in the blue Mudkip shirt on the far left. He passed away in July 2020. I created this poster as a surprise to both my brother and his friends, to celebrate the great friend that will always be with them.


Videos and Graphics


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