2D Platformer Game (Unity 2019-20)
This was a tutorial for the second Game Design class at the beginning of 2020. This tutorial was supposed to give us a base of a game or assets with us structuring everything together. I mainly worked on this project than any of the other tutorials because I added various platforms and routes, experimenting with off camera secrets, and placement of enemies. I also pushed or learned about menus, goals with particle animation to let the player know they’ve won, and foreground to background in flat-paneled games. The 2D platformer also left ideas for us to accomplish without giving us hints. Some items that I worked on were a coin counter that took a lot of work but remembered finishing. The other that I was working on that is still incomplete is a save file or checkpoint system. Unfortunately several factors like covid prevented this project from being complete. The class planned to practice or play each others games, but covid prevented this and had to make great changes to our program plan that semester. I’m also unsure if I’ll be able to show off this project because I may not be able to get it working in time. During this time, the new laptop I have now had a coding glitch that would prevent parts of Unity or Blender programs from properly working. Eventually, neither program would even open, so in the summer of 2021, I transferred my files and formatted my whole computer to factory reset it. The programs work properly now, still having the original game files, but the files are out of date and may get altered when trying to reconnect them again (potentially preventing them from working properly). Since writing this, I at least got to test them out now and everything seems to work now, at least what i’ve gotten to properly test from.